I miss the way you were, and I miss my sweet dear friend. You lost us when you lost yourself in him. Come back to our savior, and come back to yourself and us. I love you always. -
Do you ever wish you could just say what so obviously needs to be said, Instead of hiding the truth down inside? To be real and honest in love, to just let the awkwardness fall by the waste side and for once speak what is on your heart, and listen to what is on someone else’s heart. To really hug someone because you know that deep down they are hurting, to hold them and tell them you love them and it’s not too late to go back and start again.
Sometimes I feel like a have to wear a mask with some people, to cover what I believe, and what they used to believe, and act like it’s all fine that their heart has gone astray. It rips me in half because I want to be a “good friend” and be happy and excited for the people in my life, but when it’s something that goes against who they are in Christ, I find myself not knowing how to do that. I pray for wisdom and grace, because I do not want to push people away or hurt them, but I can’t keep up the charade much longer.
To speak, oh, to speak what is true and real, and honest, and loving; there are so many people I wish to speak to like that. I wish to be spoken to like that as well. So many situations where I wish I could say what my heart is feeling, so many situations where I want to hold the people in my life and let the pain and hurt, mistakes and fear, just wash away as we pray to God for forgiveness, healing, and grace. I hope to one day be able to experience such freedom, for myself and for my friends.
Speak what’s on your hearts friends, but speak it in love, truth and righteousness, for you never know what life you might change by the words God gives you to say, and the feelings that are swimming inside you. Be passionate about love and truth, and be passionate about God’s beautiful healing and redemption, so you may let God work through you to administer it to the people in your life.
In closing I will add I final note; Friends, no guy or girl is worth losing your relationship with Christ for. Let me say it again, there is no guy or girl who will love you better than your Lord and Savior. And also, if that guy/girl loves you, then he/she will wait for you instead of manipulating you into comprising your beliefs. Let God be the guide in your relationships; don’t be so anxious that you forget who you are in Christ.
Grace and peace to you tonight, may God give you the strength to let your heart speak.
~Cecily Priscilla