“I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the LORD” – Hosea 2:19-20
That scripture spoke to me tonight. I’m sure I have read it before, but somehow tonight it’s meaning was timely. Sometimes we all need to be reminded of our Lord’s sweet love for us. We all need to be reminded of how he pursues our hearts because he longs to be with us. We are his bride. He will marry us in faithfulness and compassion…and oh, he is so faithful and compassionate.
Sometimes I don’t feel good enough. I think we all go through those moments in life. Today, I must admit, I had a hard time feeling anything but lost and empty, with nothing to offer. Less than. Like a item on the clearance rack that just doesn't live up to the rest of the beauty around it.
I don’t feel valuable on some days, days I give into the lie I must be “perfect”, I must be what everyone else wants me to be. Days like those are when I let the enemy fill my mind with his poison to throw me off track and get me to conform to what this messed up world wants me to be.
But, we were not created to be the same. We were not created to fit into the box society tries to shut us in.
We are made to be free. We are made to be unique. We were all created with strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, quirkiness and oddities…we are all one of kind creations of a big and wonderful, creative God. We are to be aliens; transformed by the renewing of our mind.
I don’t fit in this world, it does not understand who I was created to be. It’s people do not accept what my heart longs to do; bring Glory to the one and only God, and love him and others with my whole heart. I don’t care about status, I don’t care about position, I don’t care what looks good or sounds pleasing to the ears of the people who judge me. I don’t care if they think I’m odd. I am odd. But I am also something else, something no one can take away; I am loved, and I am a daughter of the King.
From now on, when I walk into a room, or face gossip or criticism for the millionth time, I will only let this one thing in my mind and heart; I am a daughter of the King, and my Father faithfully loves me.
I am betrothed forever in righteousness and faithfulness. Halleluiah. My Lord is so good to me. He loves me so unconditionally and so beautifully.
We are always enough in our Fathers eyes.
~Cecily Priscilla
1 comment:
I really love this! That scripture is so beautiful and comforting. It's something I also need to be reminded of.
It truly doesn't matter what other people think or say about you; the only thing that matters is who God says you are. As I get older I'm realizing more and more how very important it is to find out who I am in Christ. To find my identity in him and him alone. I think that's a really powerful weapon against the enemy's lies, as I find that he can really play with my mind when I forget who Christ already made me to be. I want to make sure that I do not allow anything or anyone else to define me but him. It's such a work in progress.
I think we all have a tendency to buy into the lie that we are not good enough. The world feeds us so many lies about who we have to be and what we have to do to be considered "good enough". But we have to keep in mind that the worlds standards and God's standards are so very different. The things that the world calls important will pass away in the blink of an eye; but the things of God are everlasting. Who knows.. maybe in the end we'll find out that not fitting into the standards of this world wasn't such a bad thing after all. Maybe it'll mean we did something right.
p.s I know I may be your big sis and as such maybe just a little bias, but your beautiful heart is so very valuable and priceless; never forget that. :)
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