Sunday, May 15, 2011

Summer To Do List :)



Oh summertime, how I love you…you make me swoon. Summer has always been my favorite season; it just feels free and happy. God must know this about me because around this time of year he always introduces some form of random whimsy happiness…God is whimsy, did you know that? Yes, he is very whimsical and random and fun, and the summer always reminds me of that aspect of my Lord. I think I’m just falling more in love with him just typing this remembering all he is and how the sun and the crashing waves and the flowers and sounds of children laughing all reflects his beauty and love and joy…how I can’t wait to get out and see it all again. So in honor of the fact the summer is on our doorstep, I thought I’d post my summer to do list; a list of things I hope  to experience in coming sunny months. However, this list is tentative, I have a funny feeling God will change it a bit like he always does…I love that about him :)



~Summer To Do List ~

1. Spend a day at the beach


I love the beach, the sound of the waves, the feel of the sand beneath your feet, getting to find pretty and interesting sea shells. I love being in the happy sunshine. I haven’t been to the beach in years, I miss it. I want to take a day this year to just relax on the sand and let the sun rays kiss my skin.




2. Buy swimsuit for said beach trip


Oh, swimsuits…every girl’s nightmare. I seriously haven’t worn/shopped for a bathing suit since I was about 14…so sad. Every year I see those lovely tiny swim suits in the stores and breathe a sigh…and then want to murder those perfect stick girls who I see buying them. But, this year is different, I mean, still want to murder those stick girls, but I feel more confident in my own skin (on most days), and I want to go for the swimsuit dang it! I’m an almost 22 year old woman; this is my prime baby, why should I let my youthful figure go to waste by fearing the bathing suit? I will buy a swimsuit this year that makes me feel comfortable, and like the beautiful, and playful, woman I am, and I will rock it, yo! ;)

Really lovin’ this Betsey Johnson printed halter!


3. Have a pretty picnic dinner party


Picnics are so sweet and fun! They just take you back to being a carefree kid. I’ve always wanted to do it up big with a picnic dinner party, invite all my friends, decorate the outdoor space really whimsy, throw some twinkles lights up, make awesome and yummy fresh food and fruit pies. Add some awesome folk and/or exotic music and some pretty plates and diner ware, and have everyone dress up…magic :)





4. Attend a summer music festival


Ah, summertime and sweet music go hand and hand. I’ve wanted to attend a summer festival for years but haven’t got the chance yet. The music, the heat, the food, the different kinds of people…so enchanting, to get lost in a musical sea of pounding drums and blaring guitars all day long would be just heaven. My sister and I are the types that know of every Christian music festival in the U.S., and plan to one day travel to all of them. But until then my goal is to at least make it out to one this year. Maybe Rock the Desert in Odessa…maybe a different one. We’ll see :)

5. Get a tattoo


I’ve wanted a tattoo since I was 17, but something has always stopped me in the past (mostly my dad lol), but I don’t think I can wait much longer…I mean really how long can a girl be expected wait to feel the rush of the tattoo needle on her skin? Yeah, not longer than 22 years that’s for sure! I’m planning on getting my first one after I graduate from bible school in early June. So jazzed! There are so many tattoos I want…I think I counted about 7 not counting my half sleeve of sweets, and I’m ready to get started on them baby! :)

6. Get my hips pierced


Okay, so people think I’m crazy for wanting this, but I don’t care! I want my hips pierced! Surface piercings are so intriguing and cool, and I love the way the hip piercing looks, the way it frames the hip bone is just awesome. I’m so aching to do it!

7. Take a road trip


What is better than being on the road with people you love? Very few things. I’m a road trip lover, there’s something about packing up and taking off early in the morning before sunrise, driving all day popping in random mix cds, and stopping at interesting places along the way, or cuddling up with a fluffy blanket and pillow in the backseat as you watch the stars and drift off to the sound of the road beneath your tires. I love to explore, and road trips are just so magical…okay, so I’m romanticizing it a bit, but they are special when you are with special people. I must take at least one road trip this summer :)


8. Have the perfect small town summer day


Riding around town eating sno cones and listening to music, walks at the bay, movies at night…saying up to watch the sunrise…:) Reminds me of when I was growing up :)


9. Craft and sew – So my sister and I have become obsessed with the idea of crafting lately, we really want to get into making pretty things with our hands. So we made up our minds to make a list of crafts we want to complete this summer and go to it! So fun! Along with that I’m going to be getting a church member of mine to teach me to sew...oh how I want to be able to alter my old grungy band t-shirts and making them into something a cute and awesome. I have my cherished Sullivan t-shirt I want to make into a rockin’ halter, so I got some learning to do!

10. Get Henna –


I always thought it would be fun to get a henna tattoo, they look so awesome and fun, plus they're not permanent. Summer just seems like the prefect time to do it :)





Cheers friends, hope your summer is filled with fun and lots of smiles :)



~Cecily Priscilla


Krystal Celeste said...
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Krystal Celeste said...

Lovely lovely list!!! So down with all of it... except, can't lie ... the hip piercing freaks me out a little (a lot). By the way, thank you for forcing me to watch the video... I know this brought you some kind of sick joy but I'm still feeling a bit queasy (stop smirking... it's just wrong!). You know that while I've always been right there next to Pam while you've gotten every one of your piercings, I've never actually watched. Not sure I can even be present for this one lol. ;)

We so need to finally get ourselves to a music festival! Every summer I can't help but dream of being at Cornerstone or Creation... think we should maybe make this happen at some point. :)

Chason said...

I'm going to have to agree with Krystal on the hip piercing deal, yeh so I watched the video and it gave me chest pains and made me have to go and meditate in a dark corner for about thirty minutes while chanting omg owie over and over again. I think it scarred me for life...

Cecily Priscilla Wetter said...

Lol Oh, you two are crazy! That piercing so looks like nothing lol…okay, maybe it looks like it might hurt a bit, hey, no pain, no gain, baby! ;)You will both go with me to get it and will see just how awesome it is! :D